ELEVATE’S Next Level Performance Program

In addition to its Next Level Recruiting Program, ELEVATE separately offers the Next Level Performance Program. This program is designed to work with athletes in any sport on developing specific mental training techniques and practices for improving performance. ELEVATE works with athletes to identify barriers impacting performance and then learn methods for building belief and creating a more positive mindset. The end goal is to assist athletes in achieving the next level of athletic accomplishments.

Focus areas include: 

  • Managing race and performance anxiety  
  • Overcoming self doubt and setbacks
  • Developing a clear vision
  • Building habits that ensure preparation and confidence

Susan has taught me how to reflect and prepare. I often struggle with confidence and mental preparation, especially around competition. Susan has helped me switch my thought process to allow me to reach my potential and remember the joy in swimming. Susan always offers a different perspective that is grounding, reminding me of what is most valuable and important.”
– D1 College Swimmer

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